It is notified for the information of all concerned that all the University examinations scheduled to be conducted from 06-06-2018 to 13-06-2018 are postponed . Download Notification on the re-scheduling of University Examinations. However, the following Examinations will be conducted as per the schedule given below. 1. Re-examination for the Sixth Semester CUCBCSS - UG Regular Examination April 2018 for the girl students of Zamorin's Guruvaurappan College, Calicut Scheduled to be held at the college itself from 06-06-2018 FN onwards. 2. Special Examination for two sports candidates of Sixth Semester B.Sc CUCBCSS -UG Regular Examination April 2018 scheduled to be conducted at Department of Physical Education, C.U.Campus on 07-06-2018 AN. 3. Special Examination for Fifth Semester B.Com / B.Sc /BA CUCBCSS -UG Regular Examination for NCC / Sports candidates November 2017 scheduled to be held at Department of Physical Education, C.U.Campus from 11-06-2018 FN onwards. 4....