KTU Examinations - Postponement B.Tech(Special Exams) & M.Tech Supply Exams

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the B.Tech(Special Examinations) & M.Tech Supplementary Examinations scheduled on 2nd September 2016 are postponed to be conducted as follows: B.Tech : 3rd September 2016(Saturday) 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm : CE 100 Basics of Civil Engineering and BE 101-01 Introduction to Civil Engnineering (Both examinations in AN) M.Tech: 5th September 2016(Monday) 9:30 am to 12:30 pm: Slot C 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Slot D. All the other examinations will be conducted as per the time table already published.

Click here for the Notification

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