Calicuit 5th Sem B.Tech Exam

Online registration for V semester B.Tech/Part-Time B.Tech and B.Arch November 2016 examination 

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the following V Semester B.Tech/PartTime
B.Tech and B.Arch November 2016 examinations will be conducted as per the following schedule.
1. B.Tech/PT B.Tech2014 Scheme (Regular)
2. B.Tech/PT B.Tech2009 Scheme (Supplementary/Improvement)
3. B.Arch2012 Admn. Onwards (Regular/Supplementary/Improvement) & 2009-2011 Admn. (04 SchemeSupplementary)

Online registration facility will be available from 07-10-2016 onwards.
Last date for the receipt of Online Appliaction without fine : 25-10-2016
With a fine of Rs.150/: 28-10-2016
Last datae for the receipt of downloaded copy of appliaction & chalan receipt in the Pareeksha Bhavan : 28-10-2016
Last date for receipt of APC : 13-11-2016
Last date of uploading internal marks : Within 10 days from the date of last examination

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