Calicut B.Tech students of 2009 scheme

All B.Tech students of 2009 scheme syllabus who got admission in the year 2009, 2010 and 2011, who have successfully completed their course within a period of five academic years after the commencement of their course of study and secured CGPA ranging from 6 to 6.49 are directed to surrender their B.Tech Provisional Certificates/consolidated grade sheet issued by the university for effecting the respective changes in their class division. 

Sub: Implementation of changes in clause 21(b) classification of successful candidates and formula for the conversion of CGPA into percentage of marks of the course regulations of B.Tech, Engineering Degree Courses (wef 2009 admissions)-revision of provisional certificates, consolidated mark lists and Degree Certificates.
Ref:U.O. No.3233/2016/Admn.dated,22-03-2016.

In continuation to the implementation of the U.O. cited above, all B.Tech students of 2009 scheme syllabus who got admission in the year 2009, 2010 and 2011, who have
successfully completed their course within a period of five academic years after the
commencement of their course of study and secured CGPA ranging from 6 to 6.49 are
directed to surrender their B.Tech Provisional Certificates/consolidated grade sheet issued by the university for effecting the respective changes in their class division. 

The original B.Tech degree certificates already issued to such candidates with Second Class need to be submitted for revision only after getting the revised consolidated grade sheet. The application for the revised original certificate should be accompanied with the original certificate already issued to the candidate with Second Class and the self attested copy of the revised consolidated grade sheet.

Those candidates who have secured a CGPA ranging from 6.5 and above need only get the endorsement of revised formula for conversion of CGPA into percentage of marks in the back side of the Consolidated Grade Card. Notification for revision of such consolidated grade sheet will be issued later.

The certificates and mark lists shall be submitted in the B.Tech branch along with receipts of fee payment. The particulars of fee for revised mark lists and certificates are detailed below.

Name of certificate             Rate of fee (Rs.)
Provisional Certificate       125/-
Consolidated Mark list       250/-

Degree Certificate               325/-

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