KTU Re- examinations of B.Tech S1& S3 Slot A Courses [MA101 and MA201]

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Re- examinations of B.Tech S1& S3Slot A courses will be conducted in February 2017.

Time Table for the Examination -
S1: 25 - 02 - 2017 Saturday, 10am to 1pm.
S3 : 04 - 03 - 2017 Saturday, 10am to 1 pm.

Click Here to Download Notification

Re-examination registration will be opened from 8.02.2017 to 13.02.2017 (only for the Slot A courses). Only the students who had registered for the original examination can register for the Reexamination.

The students who have already written the Examination (Slot A Courses) are given a chance to re register for the examination already appeared. For the students registered for Reexamination,
the results and absentee data of the earlier Examination will be cancelled. The students who had registered for the original examination and were absent are also permitted to register for the re-examination.

No fee will be levied from the candidates for the re-examination.

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