Calicut - S1S2 B.Tech Exam Rescheduled

I & II Semester B. Tech / PT B.Tech Regular ( IET CU Campus only ) /Supplementary/ Improvement Examinations April 2017 scheduled to be conducted from 31 st March 2017 onwards is rescheduled

In continuation to the notification of even number dated: 06-03-2017, it is notified for the information of all concerned that the I & II Semester B. Tech / PT B.Tech Regular ( IET CU Campus only) /Supplementary/ Improvement Examinations April 2017 scheduled to be conducted from 31st March 2017 onwards is rescheduled .

The revised dates of examination will be announced later. There is no change in the schedule of I & II semester B Arch April 2017 examinations.

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