Calicut - VI Sem Exam

VI Semester B. Tech Regular (2014 scheme) April 2017 Examination for the students registered at Govt Engineering College, Thrissur Sreekrishnapuram, and Palakkad Govt Engineering scheduled from College, 19-05-2017 onwards is rescheduled. 

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the VI Semester B. Tech Regular (2014 scheme) April 2017 Examination for the students registered at Govt Engineering College, Thrissur and Govt Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad scheduled from 19-05-2017 onwards is rescheduled. The examination for these students will be conducted later.

There is no change in the schedule of VI semester B Tech (2009 Scheme) Supplementary / Improvement examinations April 2017 and also B Tech Regular (2014 scheme) exams in other colleges. There is no change for B Arch examination also.

Examination in other colleges will be conducted as scheduled.

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