Calicut - Improvement of Internal exam for VII, V,III

Download Improvement of Internal examination for VII, V, III Semester B Tech /P T B Tech September 2017 examination 

Ref: U O No.6/2017/PB dated 04-01-2017

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Improvement of Internal Examination (September 2017) of B Tech/P T B Tech students ( 2000, 2004 & 2009 Scheme) for the following semesters will be conducted as per the following schedule.
1) VII semester
2) V Semester
3) III semester

Online registration facility will be available from 01-07-2017 to 20-07-2017. Candidates with manual register number can apply through the conventional form.

Last date for the receipt downloaded copy of application along with the copies of all mark lists and chalan receipts in the Pareeksha Bhavan : 21-07-2017

Fee details
Application Fee : Rs.25/-
Registration Fee : Rs.500/- per paper
Mode of payment – Candidates should make the payment of fees only through e-payment /e-chalan with SBT /Akshaya centers / Friends Janasevana Kendra. No other mode of payment is acceptable.

Note: The candidates should ensure their eligibility for Internal Improvement exam after verifying the U O No.6/2017/PB dated:04/01/2017 

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