Calicut - VII,V and III Semester B Tech/ B Arch Exam Reg
Click Here to Download Notification - VII,V and III Semester B Tech/ B Arch (2004 scheme 2004-2008 Admissions) Examinations -reg.
1) III Semester December 2016
2) V Semester December 2016
3) VII Semester December 2015
This is the last chance for 2004 Scheme candidates.
Last Date for the submission of
Online application without fine : 20-12-2017
With a fine of Rs.150/- : 27-12-2017
Date of Commencement of examination : Will be announced later
Fee details
B Tech
a. Application fee : Rs.25/-
b. Each Theory Paper : Rs.50/-
c. Each Practical : Rs.50/-
d. Mark List fee : Rs.30/-
e. Centralised valuation fee : Rs.40 /- per paper (subject to a maximum of Rs.150/-)
B Arch
a. Application fee : Rs.25/-
b. Theory Paper
i) Theory 12 hrs. duration : Rs.200/- each
ii) Theory 18 hrs. duration : Rs.300/- each
iii) Other Theory Papers : Rs.50/- each
c. Each Practical : Rs.50/-
e. Mark List fee : Rs. 30/-
f. Centralised valuation fee :Rs.40 /- per paper (subject to a maximum of Rs.150/-)
It is notified for the information of all concerned that the following B.Tech /B.Arch (2004 scheme - 2004 to 2008 Admn) Supplementary Examinations will be conducted by the University as per the schedule given below.1) III Semester December 2016
2) V Semester December 2016
3) VII Semester December 2015
This is the last chance for 2004 Scheme candidates.
Last Date for the submission of
Online application without fine : 20-12-2017
With a fine of Rs.150/- : 27-12-2017
Date of Commencement of examination : Will be announced later
Fee details
B Tech
a. Application fee : Rs.25/-
b. Each Theory Paper : Rs.50/-
c. Each Practical : Rs.50/-
d. Mark List fee : Rs.30/-
e. Centralised valuation fee : Rs.40 /- per paper (subject to a maximum of Rs.150/-)
B Arch
a. Application fee : Rs.25/-
b. Theory Paper
i) Theory 12 hrs. duration : Rs.200/- each
ii) Theory 18 hrs. duration : Rs.300/- each
iii) Other Theory Papers : Rs.50/- each
c. Each Practical : Rs.50/-
e. Mark List fee : Rs. 30/-
f. Centralised valuation fee :Rs.40 /- per paper (subject to a maximum of Rs.150/-)