KTU - Grace Marks to Students who participate in Rehabilitation Activities of Flood Affected Areas

Encouraging Participation in Rehabilitation Activities of Flood Affected Areas - Award of Grace Marks to students - sanctioned.

It was decided to award the grace marks to all eligible students admitted during the AY 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 subject to the following guidelines.

1. Only bona-fide, regular candidates are eligible for the award of Grace Marks.
2. The Marks shall be awarded for the end semester examinations conducted by the  University.
3. The Marks that can be awarded to the candidate is 25% of the marks scored by the candidate in each course.
4. The maximum marks that can be awarded to a student for a course for all activities put
together shall not exceed 10% of the maximum marks prescribed for the course.
5. Transfer of marks from one paper to another shall not be permitted. Fractions of marks if any, while computing shall be discarded.
6. Transfer of Marks from one semester to another semester shall not be permitted.
7. The Marks shall be awarded for all theory papers/courses/subjects for which the University conducts End Semester Examination.
8. The Grace Marks shall not be awarded to a student for Practical/ Lab/ Viva Voce/ internal
assessment/ Seminar etc even though she/he fails for the same.
9. This Grace Marks shall be awarded for the regular and supplementary examinations to be conducted during the end of current semester (August to December 2018). Grace Marks shall not be awarded for subsequent examinations.
10. The request for Grace Marks shall be submitted to the Controller of Examinations through the principal along with all relevant documents, within the time limit prescribed by the University. The request for Grace Marks received after the time limit shall not be entertained on any account.
11. This is only a one-time incentive and shall not be quoted as precedence under any

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