KTU TECHFEST 2019 - Name and Logo contest

KTU have been organizing students TECHFESTs, since its inception in 2015. The 2 main events of TECHFEST are KETCON of KTU which is a paper presentation contest and TEKON of KSCSTE which is a project contest cum exhibition. The two events along with other events and contests are being brought under a single umbrella from 2019 onwards. 
In this context, entries are invited from students of KTU for a Name and a Logo for TECHFEST of KTU in association with KSCSTE. Each student can make up to 5 entries. 
Entries specifying the KTU register number shall be mailed to researchdocs@ktu.edu.in not later than 13/11/2018. The best entry will carry a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize (Rs.5000 for name and Rs.5000 for logo) which will be awarded during the next edition of TECHFEST in February 2019. 
Hurry your entries to the mail id mentioned !!!!!!!!!! Pls note - Only entries with KTU register number will be considered

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