KTU - Revised Schedule of Academic Activities

In view of the earnest efforts of the Government of Kerala to control the spread of CORONA Virus, it was directed to close down all educational Institutions of our state till 31st March 2020. In line with the directions of our Government, the University has issued a circular to this effect.  


Some Points

The University would like to propose the following:

  • The last working day for the even semester will be 05.05.2020.

  • Internal Marks/Attendance for B.Tech programmes is to be uploaded in the KTU portal on or before 13.05.2020. To avoid last minute rush, Institutions are requested to strictly comply with the timeline for uploading as:
         S2: 08.05.2020; S8: 11.05.2020; S6: 12.05.2020; S4: 13.05.2020. No extension will be
         given if these dates are not complied with.

1. The period from 12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 may be treated as study leave for the University examinations as we are unable to allocate extra study period for the students thereafter. Hence, all students are requested to make use of this study period (12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020) effectively.

2. The examination calendar for this semester is slightly modified considering the emergency of the prevailing situation.

3. Faculty members are requested to rely on video lectures/online resources etc. during this
study period. Please carry out continuous evaluation/internal assessment through the
available online platforms to substitute classroom instructions planned during the days of

4. Project seminars/viva voce/jury/presentation/evaluations etc. may be carried out through
digital platforms, as far as possible. Students are to be encouraged to make video
presentations of their project works.

5. Heads of Institutions are given the special privilege in this semester in adopting
appropriate measures to compensate the lost working days in consultation with faculty and
taking the students into confidence.

6. Heads of Institutions are entitled to take appropriate actions in the conduct of internal
examinations, portions to be included in the internal examinations, attendance, duty leaves
etc. as a special case in this semester.

7. The results of the last odd semester examinations will be declared latest by 20.03.2020.
Students are requested to effectively utilize this study period till 31st March 2020 to clear
their pending arrears.

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