GATE 2021 - Mock Test


Code : Paper

Code : Paper

AE: Aerospace Engineering

ME 1: Mechanical Engineering

AG: Agricultural Engineering

ME 2: Mechanical Engineering

AR: Architecture & Planning

MN: Mining Engineering

BM: Biomedical Engineering

MT: Metallurgical Engineering

BT: Biotechnology

PE: Petroleum Engineering

CE 1: Civil Engineering

PH: Physics

CE 2: Civil Engineering

PI: Production and Industrial Engineering

CH: Chemical Engineering

ST: Statistics

CS: Computer Science & Information Technology

TF: Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

CY: Chemistry

XE : Engineering Sciences

EC: Electronics and Communication Engineering

XH - C1: Humanities & Social Sciences - Economics

EE: Electrical Engineering

XH - C2: Humanities & Social Sciences - English

ES: Environmental Science and Engineering

XH - C3: Humanities & Social Sciences - Linguistics

EY: Ecology and Evolution

XH - C4: Humanities & Social Sciences - Philosophy

GG: Geology and Geophysics (Geology)

XH - C5: Humanities & Social Sciences - Psychology

GG: Geology and Geophysics (Geophysics)

XH - C6: Humanities & Social Sciences - Sociology

IN: Instrumentation Engineering

XL: Life Sciences

MA: Mathematics

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These Mock Test links are for the Candidates of GATE 2021 to practice the Computer Based Test (CBT). The exact Pattern / Format of questions in the real examination of GATE 2021 may vary from these Mock Test links. These mock test links are FREE of charge. GATE 2021 committee is NOT responsible for any FAKE SMS or email asking fees for mock test links.

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