KTU - 2nd internal test for all 1st semester students

 Clarification regarding conduct of 2nd internal test for all 1st semester students 



University had issued a revised schedule for academic activities during the first week of Jan 2021, with an objective of conducting the second series test (of all first semester programmes) in offline mode when students are available in the campus. It was felt that all first semester students will get familiarized with the system proposed for their end semester examinations. Many Heads of Institutions informed that presently, the end semester examinations are going on for all final year programmes in the colleges. Hence, bringing all first semester students also to the campus along with final years will be difficult for many colleges toadhere to the mandatory COVID-19 protocols. It is also informed that in most of the colleges, hostel facilities are too limited to entertain students on non-sharing basis. If students could not appear the internal tests (based on formal approval from the Institution) as per the schedule proposed, the colleges may be forced to permit separate tests for such students in online mode. Conducting same tests both in online and offline modes cannot be entertained. Moreover, there are requests from student organizationsciting genuine issues of students (especially those from other states and countries) who are unable to reach campus to appear for the internal tests.Considering all these factors into account, the Hon'ble VC has directed to advise all colleges to conduct the second internal test for all first semester programmes inonline/offline/mixed mode as per the discretion of the Heads of Institutions/ Colleges considering the prevailing situations.However, it is to be made clear that the End Semester University Examinations will be in the conventional offline mode as decided by the academic and administrative bodies of the University

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