KTU - Conduct of Practical Examination S3 BTech

Clarification regarding conduct of practical examination - S3 B.Tech 2019 Scheme - Reg

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University is in receipt of many inquiries from students and staff regardingconduct of practical examinations for third semester B.Tech, 2019 admission batch. TheUniversity would like to clarify that practical examinations are to be conducted in offline modeonly. However, in this unprecedented situation developed due to Covid-19, in mostemergency cases, the Heads of Institutions may allow students another chance to attend labexams during first week of April 2021. This authority entrusted upon the Heads of Institutionsshall only be used in most genuine situations which necessitates a special permission for thesame. In such cases, proper documents shall be kept with the Principal/Heads ofDepartments in support of the special permission. The list of such students signed by therespective HoD and countersigned by the Principal with relevant documents shall be keptseparately in the respective department.  

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