KTU - B.Tech S6 Hons - Revised Max. Mark and Duration of Exam

Please download attached notification regarding revised maximum mark and exam duration Notification


As per Clause 2 of the the U.O. No. 1745/2020/KTU dated 14.12.2020, University has intimated the conduct of EndSemester Examinations for all subjects in all semesters in the conventional offline mode (pen and paper). University will treatthe maximum mark to be scored by a student in a subject as 70% of the maximum mark stipulated in the regulation andaccordingly, the mark entered by a faculty in the University portal in a subject will be multiplied with 1.42857 (100/70) so asto obtain the final mark scored by the student in the subject. It was also stated that duration of examination will be 135minutes instead of 180 minutes.In connection with the same, it is hereby notified that exam duration and maximum mark for the Sixth semester B.Tech(Hons) Exam (Exam name in portal: B.Tech S6 (Hons.) Exam June 2020) will be 2 hrs. 15 minutes and 70% of the maximummark stipulated in the regulation respectively.

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